Singleton: Comcast's Plan To Delay Data Cap Until 2022 Is A "Step In The Right Direction"

TRENTON - New Jersey State Senator Troy Singleton (D-Burlington) today issued the following statement in response to Comcast announcing that it would once again delay its plan to implement a data cap for the Northeast region:

"For more than a month, we have been urging Comcast to reconsider its plan to implement a 1.2TB data cap for our region. Fueled by hundreds of emails, phone calls, and social media messages, we have argued that any plans to limit data, and effectively raise rates, was opportunistic, insensitive, and tone-deaf. Especially when nearly every resident in the Garden State is relying on internet connectivity to learn, work, and socialize during this pandemic. We urged Comcast to abandon the plan altogether, or at the very least, delay its implementation until the end of the public health emergency.

"Yesterday, we were informed that Comcast will delay the implementation of the data plan until 2022. This is an even longer extension than previously announced, and while we are thankful for the additional time being given to their customers to prepare, we will keep pursuing a permanent solution.

"Undoubtedly, this is a positive step in the right direction."