Singleton, Turner Bill to Bar Those Guilty of Animal Cruelty from Owning/Working with Animals Passes

TRENTON – The Senate passed legislation sponsored by Senator Troy Singleton, along with Senator Shirley Turner, which would prohibit persons convicted of animal cruelty offenses from owning domestic companion animals and from working or volunteering at animal-related enterprises.

Upon the conviction of a person for a criminal animal cruelty offense, the bill would order the forfeiture of any animal owned by the offender and, based upon the best interest of the animal’s health, safety, and well-being, transfer the animal to the custody of a licensed shelter or pound, or to the co-owner of the animal, provided that the animal is co-owned by a person who does not live with the offender and who has not been convicted of an animal cruelty offense. 

“Animal abuse is one of the most abhorrent crimes an individual can commit, and more needs to be done to hold offenders accountable,” said Senator Singleton (D-Burlington). “According to the Humane Society, 86 percent of those charged with animal cruelty have previously been arrested for it. This legislation will help to ensure that these repeat offenders are not able to continue their patterns of abuse.” 

The bill, S-3746, would direct the court to issue an order prohibiting the offender from acquiring, owning, or residing with any animal for:

  • A period of not less than two years following the date of the offender’s conviction for the offense, or following the date of the offender’s release from incarceration for the offense, whichever is later;
  • The duration of the probationary period imposed by the court for the offense, if that period will last for two years or longer;
  • Any more extended period of time, which the court, in its discretion, determines to be appropriate based on the nature and severity of the offense, the offender’s prior history of animal cruelty offenses, and any other relevant factor.

“More needs to be done to prevent the heinous crime of animal cruelty from being committed in our State—especially by those we already know to be repeat offenders,” said Senator Turner (D-Mercer/Hunterdon). “By passing this bill, we are preventing known abusers from coming into contact with animals in the future.” 

Under the bill, the court would also be directed to order the offender refrain from commencing, operating, or applying for employment or volunteering at an animal-related enterprise for a period of time to be determined by the court, based on the nature and severity of the offense, as well as the offender’s prior history. 

The bill would define “animal-related enterprise” as any for-profit or non-profit industry, business, enterprise, or endeavor that requires or involves hands-on contact or other direct interaction with animals. 

The offender would be allowed to petition the court to reduce the duration of this order with evidence of the offender’s rehabilitation in their treatment of animals. 

The bill was passed in a 34-0 vote. 

Original Article