A Thanksgiving With No End
Many consider Thanksgiving the best holiday of all because it is so inclusive and excludes no one. In its simplest form, all you have to do is say thanks for what you have. However, this year, I’d like you to consider a slightly different approach to Thanksgiving. It’s that extra step that touches someone else and speaks volumes about you.
Here are a few suggestions for Thanksgiving 2017 and those in the future. I don’t expect anyone attempting all these suggestions, but consider trying just one.
You’ll be thankful you did.
Don’t go to any function between now and Christmas before you suggest to the host that everyone should bring a food item. Then offer to donate the food items to a local food bank.
Tell the people who you care about the most that you’re thankful for who they are. If you already say it frequently, one more time won’t hurt. If you say it rarely or not at all, now’s a good time to start.
Invite someone to a meal or take a meal to them. The greatest "disease" among the elderly is loneliness. No one is too busy to give someone attention for an hour.
Try being patient and don’t honk your horn out of reflex. Keep calm and carry on.
Tell your co-workers how much you appreciate their help, team spirit and effort. It’s always stunning to me how frequently employees are unappreciated, either publicly or privately. A bit of praise can go a very long way.
Offer to help. We all know of someone who is carrying a burden even if they don’t articulate it. Ask. It’s not hard to say, "I think something is wrong. Can I help?"
Offer a silent prayer of thanks to the ancestors of Native Americans. Without their generosity, there would be no Thanksgiving.
Consider adopting a pet that needs a safe and caring home. Pets don’t care who you are, what you look like, how much you earn or the level of your education. Care for them and they will care for you too.
Say the Pledge of Allegiance. It will remind you of who we are, what we are and what we hope to become. No matter how imperfect our country is, I still believe it is the greatest country in the world. It takes all of us working together to ensure that it lives up to its promise for each of us.
Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours, today, and to the Thanksgiving Days ahead. That’s my take, what’s yours?
Renee Fusco commented 2017-11-22 15:21:00 -0500I am SO thankful that you will be one of our state Senators next year. I admire the integrity with which you approach the political arena and your suggestions are inspiring. Thank YOU Troy Singleton, and thanks to your family who share you with all of us. I hope you all enjoy your Thanksgiving.