Assemblyman Troy Singleton Visits Charles Street School!
On Wednesday, February 20th the Palmyra School District was visited by a very special visitor, 7th District Assemblyman Troy Singleton. The reason for his visit was to learn about Charles Street School and make sure it was a strong school for his daughter. Singleton's response was "I love it! It's a great environment." Seeing the brand new opportunity the Pinnacle sat down with Assemblyman Singleton to learn about his experiences being a state assemblyman.
Mr. Singleton, being a man of many hats, has had several different positions in his political career which include serving as a trustee at Rowan and a commissioner for the bridge commission. Mr. Singleton was elected in November of 2011. Mr. Singleton describes his experience as an Assemblyman as a bit of a rollercoaster. "Some days it's great, others not as much. But it's a great and unique way to serve the community." Mr. Singleton is a state legislator who represents 216,000. Singleton works on many different things, such as education, getting people back to work, money in schools and getting schools more resources.
Singleton’s interest in politics began when he was a freshman in college where he got an internship in Colorado and worked in a democratic office. "It was very unexpected!" says Singleton. Singleton then offered some advice for any student who is interested in a career in politics. "The best thing to do is to get involved and talk to your legislators, you can make a change! State your opinions for more folks to hear about!"
The Pinnacle would like to thank Mr. Singleton for taking the time to sit down and talk to the Pinnacle! If you would like to learn more about Mr. Singleton, you can visit his website: