CAP Team
Earlier this year, I put out a call for people who were interested in serving their neighbors to join me on special community boards that we instituted to gain your insights on the issues affecting our communities. One of the highlights of my job is the interaction and feedback that I get from folks like bosses. That is what led me to start the CAP (Citizens Advisory Panel) Teams. The CAP Teams are every day men, women and children who have committed some of their time to meet with me to discuss the issues of importance to our communities. The CAP Teams focus on economic development, education student, veteran and women issues, with an eye towards adopting common sense solutions to problems in these respective issue areas.
We had great success with this program during my first term in office. Initiatives such as the law to create the NJ Helmets-to-Hardhats Program in the NJ Turnpike Authority, ideas to refine the transformative New Jersey Economic Opportunity Act and the proposal to create benchmarks of performance for teacher preparation programs were all born out of discussions led by the CAP Team.
And, the new teams have picked up right were the others have left off! They have been critical in the development of our recently introduced package of bills to reignite New Jersey's manufacturing industry (Learn More), reviewing New Jersey's alimony law to promote fairness for all parties involved and on our work to overhaul how charter schools operate in our state. The fundamental tenet that there are no monopolies on good ideas have driven our discussions and our work.
I cannot begin to tell you how proud and excited I am about the direction and passion that the CAP Teams have brought to these issues. So, I wanted to reach out to you and ask you to join your neighbors in being a part of our team. You can help in one of two ways:
1) On our website, click TAKE ACTION and select "There Should Be A Law". Then, share your idea on how we can make New Jersey better:
2) Sign up to join one of the CAP Teams here:
3) Share your story with me on social media. Tweet @Troy4NJ7 with #CAPTEAMS or post on my Facebook page:
I hope you will join us, because only through our collective actions can we make New Jersey the best place to work, play and live.
Talk to you soon!