Freeholders reappoint Bridge Commission, BOE members

MOUNT HOLLY — Burlington County Board of Freeholders on Wednesday reappointed one member of the Bridge Commission and two members of the board that governs the Burlington County Special Services School District and Burlington County Institute of Technology.

Assemblyman Troy Singleton, D-7th of Palmyra, was nominated by freeholder Aimee Belgard for another term on the three-member Bridge Commission. Freeholder Joseph Donnelly nominated John J. Ferry and Leon E. Jones Jr. for reappointment to the six-member BCIT/BCSSD Board of Education.

All appointments were approved unanimously during the board's meeting by Donnelly, Belgard, Garganio and Howarth, who attended by phone because he is recovering from surgery.

Freeholder Joanne Schwartz was absent because she was celebrating Rosh Hashana, Belgard said.

Original article