In The News
Bill calls for insurance to cover MRIs for N.J. women
TRENTON — State-run and state-regulated health insurance plans would have to pay for ultrasound screening for women with a higher risk of breast cancer, under a bill the Assembly Appropriations Committee approved today.
Well-deserved, but underfunded
It’s not often we support turning to the state to pay for something on a local level.
But we believe the dilemma some municipalities face over the property tax exemption for qualified disabled veterans in New Jersey calls for the state to provide the resources.
Singleton pushing for stiffer penalties for illegal gun trades
TRENTON — The New Jersey Assembly is scheduled to vote Thursday on 20 gun control measures aimed at curtailing gun violence like the Newtown, Conn., school massacre.
Assemblyman Troy Singleton Visits Charles Street School!
On Wednesday, February 20th the Palmyra School District was visited by a very special visitor, 7th District Assemblyman Troy Singleton. The reason for his visit was to learn about Charles Street School and make sure it was a strong school for his daughter. Singleton's response was "I love it! It's a great environment." Seeing the brand new opportunity the Pinnacle sat down with Assemblyman Singleton to learn about his experiences being a state assemblyman.
Towns want assistance for revenue lost due to disabled veterans' tax exemption
Who should foot the financial burden so that qualified disabled veterans in New Jersey can continue to be exempt from paying property taxes?
Farmland assessment bill moves forward
TRENTON — Legislation that cracks down on so-called “fake farmers” who do little to qualify for New Jersey’s lucrative farmland tax break was advanced Thursday by an Assembly panel, but it will not likely be voted on by the full Assembly this week.