Poll: NJ residents support new gun restrictions to prevent mass shootings

A majority of New Jersey residents support new curbs on gun rights and other efforts to prevent mass shootings, but they do not agree on the best approach for addressing the problem, according to a poll released Wednesday morning.

Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind poll finds overwhelming support in the Garden State for banning the sale of firearms to people who appear on “no fly” or terror watch lists, with eight in ten in favor.

Likewise, there is support for an “assault weapons” ban, at 63 percent, and limiting the capacity of gun magazines, at 56 percent. About three-fourths of survey responds also believe there should be increased funding for mental health services.

But when asked to choose one policy change that could have the greatest effect, the poll respondents did not agree on the best direction. More than a third say banning assault weapons, while most of the other options had far less support. Just five percent, for example, said reducing magazine capacity would do the most to reduce the number of mass shootings.

“New Jersey residents overwhelmingly back a variety of proposals for trying to prevent another mass shooting like the one in Orlando,” Krista Jenkins, a professor of political science at FDU and director of PublicMind, said in a statement. “Although not everyone agrees with policies that are designed to place greater restrictions on gun ownership, the top vote-getters in this survey reveal broad consensus even among Republicans and Democrats.”

“People in the state clearly think something can and should be done, but there is no consensus on which single proposal should be aggressively pursued by policymakers,” Jenkins said.

Some ideas that are typically poorly received by many liberals and Democrats do not find much support in traditionally blue New Jersey. Just 27 percent said they would support placing fewer restriction on conceal and carry laws, 23 percent support banning immigration from countries with large Muslim populations and only 13 percent support prohibiting all Muslims from entering the country, as Donald Trump had advocated.

The FDU poll is based on a sample of 831 adults in New Jersey, and was conducted by June 22 and June 26. It had a margin of error of 3.6 percent.

See the full results here: http://bit.ly/2a6Bw5m

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