Senate Candidate Troy Singleton Is Best Choice For 7th District
In a political climate that is increasingly more polarized and less civil, we in New Jersey’s 7th District have the opportunity to elect a candidate for state Senate who has demonstrated potential to build bridges and move us toward a more effective government.
Troy Singleton, currently an assemblyman, has impressed me with his efforts to connect with and listen to his constituents -- all of them, not just his fellow Democrats. I have attended a number of Assemblyman Singleton’s monthly Citizen Advisory Panels, and at each one, have been struck by his willingness to hear and understand his constituents’ concerns, and solicit their input on pending legislation. But, just as important, he has supported us to understand the complexity of the issues we are facing as a district and state. He doesn’t pretend there are easy answers, or that we aren’t capable of understanding competing needs and perspectives.
As a U.S. Navy veteran, I am deeply grateful for the legislation Mr. Singleton has sponsored to support my fellow veterans in obtaining housing and other benefits, and to provide relief to their caregivers. As a resident of Moorestown, where we have been dealing with TCP chemical contamination in our wells, I am grateful for Mr. Singleton’s recent work to establish appropriate maximum contaminant levels on that carcinogen in our drinking water.
During campaign season, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that good government takes more than showmanship and seductive, but ultimately empty, promises We need knowledgeable, clear-thinking and level-headed legislators who can lead us -- all of us -- to workable solutions to the complex problems we are facing. Troy Singleton is that kind of legislator and I will be voting for him for state Senate in the 7th District. I hope you will, too.
Nicole Gillespie