Singleton Bill to Expand Protections for Members of PFRS Advances
Trenton – In an effort to expand coverage for members of the Police and Firemen’s Retirement System (PFRS), the Senate Military and Veterans’ Affairs Committee today advanced legislation sponsored by Senator Troy Singleton to retain death and disability benefits for PFRS active members on official leave of absence due to federal or State active-duty orders.
“Police and firefighters risk their lives daily to protect and save the lives of residents throughout the State, and while we can never fully repay this sacrifice, this legislation would provide additional protection to individuals in this profession,” said Senator Singleton (D-Burlington). “This bill would ensure that members of PFRS who will serve our country can deploy with the knowledge that these benefits will be there if they need them.”
The bill, S-3698, would keep members of the PFRS active while on official leave of absence due to federal or State active duty or training in the army reserves. The measure would provide for members to remain eligible for PFRS death or disability benefits throughout the duration of their leave.
Leaves of absence for active-duty military service may take longer than the allowable period of leave to retain an active PFRS membership. Therefore, certain military service members ultimately miss out on PFRS benefits entitled to them. The measure would ensure that service members are covered throughout the duration of their leave.
The bill was released from committee with a vote of 4-0.