Singleton Praises Biden Administration For Withdrawing 'Shameful Rules' That Would Have Denied Homeless, Transgender Persons Equal Access To Shelters
TRENTON – Senator Troy Singleton today praised President Joe Biden and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for their decision to withdraw proposed rules that would have weakened the Equal Access Rule for homeless, transgender persons.
“Equal access to housing and shelter is not a privilege, it is an essential human necessity. With their announcement this week, President Biden and HUD Secretary Fudge have demonstrated their commitment to ensuring that everyone – regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation – have equal and full access to the housing and shelter programs administered and funded by this federal agency,” said Senator Singleton, who Chairs the Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee.
“Our nation’s judicial system has consistently found that gender identity and sexual orientation are covered under the Fair Housing Act,” continued Singleton. “The withdrawal of these proposed, shameful rules is a reaffirmation of that principle and welcomed news, especially when this population is so vulnerable to violence, harassment and discrimination and at a heightened risk of homelessness.”
The 2012 Equal Access Rule barred federal housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Upon learning of the previous administration’s desire to weaken the Equal Access Rule, the senator introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 167, which condemned HUD’s proposal. The Senate and Assembly passed the Resolution and it was filed with the New Jersey Secretary of State in June 2019.