Troy Talk

Black History Month: When Every Color is Beautiful

tt150-feb-2-2017.jpgYesterday, Feb. 1, we began Black History Month, a period that serves as a full-month reminder about the accomplishments of African Americans in our country.

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Safeguarding Our State’s Employee Pension Fund

tt149-jan-26-2017.jpgWhen you have an agreement, there are often two components that make it both viable and fair. One component is that it must offer specific details, and those who enter into an agreement do so in good faith.

Unfortunately, it appears that in recent years, Governor Chris Christie’s administration has demonstrated a concerted effort to ignore good faith when dealing with New Jersey’s employee state pension funding.

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The “Hidden” Advantages of Apprenticeship Programs

tt148-jan-19-2017.jpgWe hear a great deal of conversation regarding the need for our young citizens to gain higher education because expanding one’s educational horizons gives a person greater probability of increased income and diverse career choices. Study after study shows that over a lifetime, the person with more education will out earn someone who has less education.

However, there is an important corollary to this because “higher education” shouldn’t necessarily apply only to a traditional college degree. Higher education takes many forms.

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Help In Recovering From Sandy’s Wrath

tt147-jan-12-2017.jpgImagine that your home and family are devastated by a natural disaster of almost unprecedented force. Now, think about how arduous the task is to rebuild your life and your home only to have governmental bureaucracy get in the way. For families who were affected by Hurricane Sandy in 2012 this personal nightmare rages on. When I think of Sandy victims, it’s difficult to understand how some citizens who lost the use of their homes did not receive the aid they deserved. And what is more reprehensible, some of these victims are facing foreclosure of their homes because the state has not been proactive or quick enough to provide the aid it promised.

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Help For Safeguarding Our Communities

tt146-jan-5-2017.jpgDuring one of my most recent Citizens Advisory Panel meetings the topic of public safety came up amongst the group. This issue is a major concern of mine, and from the discussion that night, it is to a lot of our neighbors as well. I believe that safeguarding our citizenry is essential to preserving the type of quality of life that we want for ourselves and our families. After all, a safe community is one where business and families can thrive and grow. Therefore, protecting and maintaining this sense of security is a priority that we all must share.

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17 Big Dates On NJ's 2017 Political Calendar

TRENTON -- Gov. Chris Christie nearing the end of his term, state lawmakers are up for re-election, and there's a gubernatorial race. In other words, 2017 won't be a snoozer in New Jersey.

And if that's not excitement enough, a new family will occupy the White House after President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in later this month. 

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