Troy Talk

Education in New Jersey: Separate and Unequal?

For decades, the question as to whether or not there is an equitable education system in New Jersey has been a constant debate amongst policy makers for a myriad of reasons. Now, more emphasis than ever has been added to the dialogue by way of a report published last year which put the issue at the forefront once again with the question of why?

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My First Thanksgiving Blog

I have been writing blogs for months now, and it might be easy for readers to assume that I only write about serious subjects. After all, I feel that it’s my duty to bring attention to important topics that demand scrutiny and to seek aid for those who are mistreated.

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Increasing Transparency is Essential to Instilling Trust

tt39.jpgFirst printed in the Burlington County Times on November 16, 2014.

Voters of all political persuasions who went to the polls on Election Day consistently noted one fundamental flaw in government — they feel they cannot trust their elected officials.

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A Salute, Well-Deserved

On Tuesday, we celebrated Veterans Day, an event mostly associated with media clips of (generally) older ex-warriors, dressed in uniform as they stand at attention saluting our flag.

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It’s About Accountability, Not Icons

tt37b.jpgSomeone once said, rather aptly, that you should never meet your heroes because you’re bound to be disappointed. If that pessimistic view is actually true, I would like to think that the failings are manageable, ones that we can live with against the accomplishments of our icons. After all, they’re human too.

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tt36b.jpgI wanted to take a different approach to this week's blog post. So often, I write about policy or current events but I wanted to share with you a piece of poetry that I wrote some time ago. But first, I wanted to talk to you about why arts education is so critically important. Education in the arts, in my opinion, is essential to the development of each human being. Those who have studied the mechanics of education throughout history have emphasized the importance of the arts education in the process. Study of the arts is integral to our society. They are a part of the cultural heritage of every citizen of our country, and make us more complete as people. Whether your particular flavor is theater, poetry, dance, visual art or music, I believe the key to being a well-rounded human being is to be exposed to and try new things.

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