Troy Talk

Wage Stagnation: Steam Rolling Our Economic Progress

TT82.jpgWe all know someone like this. In fact, that someone might be ourselves.

It’s the condition where we are trying to move forward a bit economically yet never seem to quite cross that modest threshold we’ve set for ourselves. Worse is the situation where we are working as hard as we ever have, are being cautious with our spending, yet we’re still falling short. It’s like the proverbial hamster wheel. You keep running and you even pick up speed when necessary, but in the end, you never go anywhere.

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An Energizing Initiative for Small Businesses

TT81.jpgRarely does a day pass that we don’t read or hear a news story related to energy and the environment. And no matter how well-meaning or interested we are, the relevance sometimes still seems distant.

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Protecting the Elderly from Financial Exploitation

TT80-1.pngThe language describing the financial abuse of the elderly is direct and explosive: “Rampant, largely invisible, expensive and lethal” is how Kathleen Quinn, executive director of the National Adult Protective Services described it at a recent Senate Special Committee on Aging. You can watch the debate at

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Recapping the Summer Policy Series


During this past summer, I wanted to try something different that I hadn’t done previously. I decided to publish my Summer Policy Series, which is a quick overview of some of the initiatives I have authored on a variety of policy topics. I pride myself on trying to be transparent and informative when it comes to my legislative service. That is why I created the Summer Policy Series. I wanted everyone to know where I stand on issues of vital importance to our state and why I take those positions.

To familiarize yourself with or to catch up if you missed them, you can access the Summer Policy Series here:

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Preparing for Tomorrow’s Jobs, Today!

TT78.gifIn the wake of our recent Labor Day celebration, generally symbolizing the unofficial end of summer, I am still thinking about the impact labor has on all of us. While reflecting back on the origins of Labor Day is important, it also should serves as a reminder to us about what the future of our workforce looks like.  The principles upon which Labor Day were founded are still relevant today and will be essential building blocks for the jobs of tomorrow.

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Community Benefit Agreements: Where Everyone Wins

TT77_(1).jpgBesides being a state representative, I am also active in the world of construction. As a union carpenter and public official, I am keenly aware as to how the intersection of development and community enrichment can benefit our society as a whole. This leads me to my thought this week on enhancing a proven tool that marries those two concepts: community benefit agreements. On the surface, these agreements are fairly simple. A developer is seeking certain concessions on a project (usually a tax break or some type of public subsidy) and agrees to provide benefits to the community. Those benefits come in various forms depending on the community but most fall along the lines of living wage standards, quality of life improvements and/or local hiring goals.

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