Troy Talk

Thanksgiving: The Every Person Holiday

TT89-dots.jpgThanksgiving Day is approaching and I’m sitting in my writer’s chair thinking about this year’s message to you. Allow me to allude to two comments I have brought up before.

First, what makes this holiday so special is that no person can find offense in participating, and we exclude no one. We give thanks for the blessings in our lives and we do this regardless of one’s color, faith or place of origin. The simple goal of Thanksgiving and its non-exclusionary openness make it the perfect holiday.

The other aspect of Thanksgiving that I’ve mentioned before is the importance of sharing it. I’ve noted in the past that inviting someone into your home on Thanksgiving Day, especially when you sense or know that they have nowhere to go, is the right thing to do. The simple act of asking goes a long way, and it allows the invitee to make the decision.

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Climate Change: Preventing an Impending Disaster

TT88.gifThis issue may be one of the most pressing concerns that our world faces. Its impact reverberates across economic, environmental and social lines. While some may disagree on the solutions, science has proven that the problem is real, and we need to find a collaborative way to address it.

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Superstorm Sandy: A Possible Solution to the Waiting Game

TT87.jpgSome people probably view imprudent government spending the way they do about donating money to charity. Many people give, and some give a lot. And I suspect their single greatest desire is that their donation in some reasonable (and hopefully measurable) method actually finds its way to the intended recipients. What they hate is when money is squandered (spent on administrative costs) not disbursed or even used illegally. That’s how many of us feel about our tax dollars.

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American Diabetes Month: Mounting A Defense Against the Disease

TT86.jpgI suffer from diabetes. It is a condition that has affected me and some of the members of my family for generations. 2015 marks the 75th anniversary of the fight against this deadly disease, and during November in particular, the American Diabetes Association and other concerned health organizations and medical personnel are raising their voices in an active campaign to alert Americans about the dangers of diabetes.

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The Benghazi Hearings & An Opportunity Lost

TT85---.jpgI don’t generally write about specific federal topics in this blog. However, I was compelled this week to comment on the recent hearing conducted by the US House of Representatives Select Committee on Benghazi featuring its only witness that day, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

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Illegal Use of Hands in the NFL

TT84b.jpgTrue confession. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the Eagles trash the New York Giants in their game this past Monday night. As a lifelong sports fan, and more importantly a HUGE football fan, there is always a little extra bounce in my step when the home team wins.

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